We have had several extremely productive meetings; blowing the Malaysian stereo type of missing and/or unproductive meetings right out of the water. We were able to prepare a survey to give to our CSC team, made of many international members, to immediately collect some data the client is looking for to help prepare a Marketing Plan. We also worked through questions for a a future survey to come. We plan to give the first survey to our team after they visit the Historic Area tomorrow (February 23, 2013).
The client representatives we are working with are extremely focused and productive when it's time, and ready to eat when it's time for a break :-) That said, I do have a few food pictures to make this a bit more interesting for you . . ."now we eat, yes?" Indeed, we do eat. . .
Fish puff (with coconut), "green cake", and donut
Chicken Curry
Nasi Ayam (chicken and rice, literally)
Papaya, Watermelon, Pizza and milk tart
#ibmcsc Malaysia
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